

In no particular order, I’m an Audio Visual, Broadcast, LED Screen, Electronic Art, Lighting technician from Melbourne, Australia.

From electronic design, art projects and equipment rental, I aim to share some highlights on this blog, let me know in the comments section if you’d like code or more info and I’ll be more than happy to share.

More of me on the web:



5 Responses to About

  1. Richard says:

    Hi there,

    My name is Richard and I’m working in the video industry. I’m very interested in your tally light project for using with the Edirol V8. Would you be interested in selling me the details / equipment ?


    • dargs001 says:

      Hi Richard,

      Thanks for your interest! The project is pretty much open-source, I just haven’t had the time to post the circuit schematics and code yet!

      If you’ve had any experience with Arduino, it’s basically using a MIDI library to receive CC messages from the Edirol via the serial port , then using a bit of logic, it controls 8x LEDs (+ 8 preview, or a mix of RGB leds).

      I hadn’t planned to make it a commercial product at this stage, and I don’t have a V8 to test with these days, but there was another person out there who made another version based on mine, I’ll try and dig up his details and find out if he had extra PCBs made etc.

      Let you know how I go.

      • Richard says:

        Thanks a ton !

        I’ve been reading up on the Arduino and I’ve ordered one for myself. I think that I can get around all the electronics, just the actual software code that I would need some help with I think. I don’t have my V8 yet (just got a copy of the user manual while I’m waiting), but if you can find the info on the other guy it would be really great.

        All my buddies in our production company are convinced that it is a marketable thing so I’d be able to help you on the production side if you are interested (labour is very cheap here in Thailand) 😉


  2. Peter says:

    Hi dargs,

    A bit like Richard, I’m probably going to need the ability to extract tally information from an Edirol mixer soon. I’ve had a look in the manual which isn’t too clear, and managed to borrow a V-4 to play with. I was just wondering if you’re likely to get a chance to post the code soon. I can probably write my own without too many issues, but its nice to not have to reinvent the wheel when someone has done the hard work already.



  3. Olli says:

    Hi darg,

    just seen your DMX controllable RGB strip project. Really great jobs. Seems like you found the holy grail. Where may I download your circuit schematics and code?



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